We ended up telling my parents first, but Steve's parents didn't have to wait long, because they were planning a trip up to Washington in early February, so we waited to tell them in person.
I had a Sensaria spa party over at my house the last day in January, and my mom was coming over the night before to help me prepare. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep the secret from her for long, so we asked my dad to come over on Saturday after the party, so we could tell them together. It took some convincing to get my dad to come, but after some begging, he agreed. I think he might have figured out something was up since we were so desperate for him to come over. By the end of the day, I was very anxious to get the news out, so once everyone had left from the party and my dad arrived, we didn't delay.
A few weeks earlier, before I knew I was pregnant, my mom and I were shopping at Macy's and saw these little digital picture viewers that hung on a key chain. We commented on how that would be a neat thing to have for one day when she did have grandkids, so she could use it as a brag book and carry it with her everywhere she went. When I found out I was pregnant, I raced back to Macy's and bought one. I wrapped it up and gave it to her and Dad. Before she even had a chance to unwrap it, I was crying my eyes out, so she couldn't quite figure out what was going on. When she finally realized what we were trying to tell her, she screamed "Joana, you're pregnant?!!!" and a big "Congratulations" went around the room. Dad had us all figured out from the time I started crying or maybe even before, but they were both beyond excited for us. What a great day!